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Regional Development Company

RDC WangarattaCommunity and Stakeholder Engagement

Mallee Catchment
Management Authority

Hattah Lakes Risk Assessment – Communication

This project provided an approach for the Hattah Lakes Risk Assessment - Communication for Mallee Catchment Authority (CMA). Through The Living Murray Environmental Works and Measures program, the Mallee CMA investigated a range of structural options to deliver larger volumes of environmental water to the Hattah Lakes. As part of these investigations, the Mallee CMA considered structural options with the capacity to deliver large volumes of water to meet The Living Murray ecological objectives. This was considered highly risky from a community and communications perspective. The aim of the project was to understand the social issues and risks that may arise and to identify any gaps in the information being presented to the community. From this understanding a communications and community engagement strategy that identified potential issues and communities that may be particularly concerned (or supportive) of the regulator was developed. The environmental works proceeded without community angst – with a clear communications process.

South Australia Natural
Resource Management Board

Communications and Engagement Strategy for the Proposed Chowilla Creek Environmental Regulator Project

This project was also part of the Murray Darling Basin Authority Environmental Works and Measures programs, and involved community and stakeholder consultations and the development of communications and engagement strategies to guide the work of the South Australia Natural Resource Management Board (for Chowilla). Again, this was considered a high risk communications project. The resulting strategy included risk communication principles and managing outrage (although this was not required when the project proceeded). Engagement of all parties led to determining a more workable program and the implementation of the communications and engagement strategy enabled all parties to be involved and engaged appropriately.


North East
Greenhouse Alliance

Water in North East Victoria Socioeconomic adaption planning – Stakeholders behavioural study; stakeholder and community engagement to identify risks and opportunities associated with a low water future; and development of communications, engagement, promotion and public relations strategy for the overall project

RDC undertook the Stakeholders Behavioral Study and Analysis as part of Phase 3 of Adapting to a Low Water Future project funded by the Australian Government under the Strengthening Basin Communities funding program focusing on the development and delivery of practical solutions for the North East Greenhouse Alliance. The key purpose of this study was to identify drivers and constraints (barriers) for key stakeholders in the North East region to implementing critical actions for Adapting to a Low Water Future, and to make recommendations to overcome the barriers and capitalise on the opportunities. RDC also conducted workshops and focus group consultations with local governments, key water authorities and state government agencies to identify and rate risks related to a Low Water Future, and subsequently consulted on the development of appropriate adaptation responses (in conjunction with Marsden Jacob Associates) and recently undertook stakeholder engagement for Phase 2 of the project: Adapting to a Low Water Future – climate change risk assessment (in conjunction with Marsden Jacob Associates; RDC undertaking stakeholder engagement). In addition, RDC worked in conjunction with SOCOM to develop a Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Strategy which included promotions and public relations.

Strathbogie Shire Council

Strengthening Strathbogie in a Changing Climate

In partnership with Marsden Jacob Associates, RDC conducted the community and stakeholder engagement to develop a strategy for ‘Strengthening Strathbogie in a Changing Climate’, developing a risk assessment and leading to a holistic adaptation strategy. RDC enabled effective and efficient community and stakeholder consultation and engagement and ensured ownership and buy-in of relevant parties.


Goulburn–Murray Water

Land and On-Water Management – Communications and Engagement

RDC has been engaged to develop a stakeholder engagement framework and carry out the consultation and stakeholder engagement for Land and On-Water Management Plans for all major Goulburn-Murray Water storages including Lake Eildon, Lake Eppalock, Goulburn Weir, Lake William Hovell, and Lake Buffalo. The aim of the Plans is to better strategically target and respond to key natural and cultural resource management issues, develop an adaptive management system to involve and empower key stakeholders involved in the use and management of the storage foreshores in cost‐effective management strategies. Each Plan involved two rounds of intensive stakeholder engagement and consultation involving CMAs, DSE, Parks Victoria, Council, EPA, DPI, landholders, local community members and recreational groups. RDC also works closely with GMW on the communication aspects of these projects.

Whitehorse City Council

Council Planning – Staff and Community Conversations (current)

RDC is currently working with Whitehorse City Council on the development of their Council Plan and Community Vision for the next 15 years. This project involves World Café which has been used as a process to engage over 60 staff in three separate sessions, and has been used for two large community forums. The structure of the World Café has enabled participants to have meaningful conversations about the future for the City of Whitehorse, and the key priorities to address over the next four years. The engagement has resulted in clear directions for the Council Plan and future vision. This project also involves mentoring and provision of specialist support in consultation and engagement techniques and approaches for the whole of community engagement processes to develop the 10 year Vision, Council Plan and Municipal Health and Wellbeing Plan.


Municipal Association Victoria

Municipal Association of Victoria, State-wide Consultations

Top Teams Training for the Municipal Association of Victoria. Program delivered to Local Governments across Victoria. Contracted by MAV, RDC is one of three companies delivering Top Teams training for Councillors and senior council officers (now named Working Together to Deliver). These programs have occurred in 2009-10 and have now been conducted 2012-13 for the new councils. This round, RDC has been engaged to deliver the workshops for 12 councils, with four other councils independently engaging us for councillor and senior executive development and planning and strategy sessions leading to Council Plans.